I say this with love.
They text me and ask about bars, restaurants and general Black entertainment without bothering to check the usual sources.
I'm starting to feel used. *wipes away crocodile tear*
I know they don't believe me, but I do not have "Negro Zagat's" stamped on my ass. I get my info from an assortment of sources.
I have decided to list several of the most helpful for plotting culinary and mixology-related adventures. You better bookmark this page!
After this post, the aforementioned friends should know that they must procure an ebony, butter rican or Mediterranean candidate that sufficiently meets my high standards, and have him bathed, cologned and brought to my tent before I provide additional off-line recommendations. Take heed.
www.yelp.com/dc - Do a search of general reviews on the main page, or do a search on the Talk or Events tabs. Very useful, because you get to see a variety of reviews from the masses and the average star rating.
http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/food - City-wide news about what's new and interesting re the restaurant world.
Love happy hours? Of course you do. The Washingtonian has a happy hour finder.
It has a really useful search tool that helps you pinpoint what you want quickly. Every lush should have it bookmarked.
The Washington Post is doing a decent job re listing mass-market hipster events and scenes, though sometimes several months late (see their recent article on H street...). Their Going Out Gurus blog posts great options every Wednesday in their Nightlife Agenda at http://blog.washingtonpost.com/goingoutgurus/. On Thurs., you can even post questions for the gurus--I recommend that you send your questions in on Wed., though.
For a wide range of events targeted toward the grown and sexy (and beyond) crowd, check out www.headzup-events.com.
Recurring hip-hop happy hours:
Policy on Tuesday (late night happy hour) and Friday
District on Wednesday (open bar, but we'll see how long this lasts after last week's accident. Pray for the victims.)
Lounge of Three on Wednesday
Park on Thursday, Friday--I think you have to be on the list to get to the buffet--haven't been since the spring.
Bar 7 on Friday--open bar
Yeah, there are other events and event sources, but I'm keeping them to myself.
No. 1 rule of showbiz:
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