Drum roll, please.
I am happy to report that it gets deep.honey's official seal of approval!
I went to an advance screening in Georgetown last night, and I was lucky to get a seat. Why?
Apparently Praise 104.1 FM had also given out several tickets to its listeners, and the theater was at capacity! I've never attended a screening so packed. I had to sit in the front friggin' row!
I'm glad I went, though. I won't give away any spoilers. Just know that it was well-written and well-edited (and that's rare when it comes to Black movies these days). Although Ms. Patton was guilty of overacting through about half of the movie, the actors did a good job, overall.
Neither the bourgeois family (bride's side) nor the working-class family (groom's side) featured was reduced to a flat stereotype.
Rest assured that Laz Alonso and Romeo brought the heat... Mr. Alonso's juicy lips alone are worth the price of admission. ;)
T.D. Jakes put some very obvious (bordering on fantastical) messages into the script for single Black women, but it didn't get too preachy.
Do not wait for the bootleg on this one--get your butts in the seats next week and support this high-quality Black film!
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